Thursday, April 21, 2011

Red Velvet but NOT the kind you're thinking..

A few weeks ago I had a special request from a friend of mine who I used to work with.  She said, "My boyfriend & I are at the I Love You stage and I want you to make something with I love you written on top."  It's very important that it says that."  I said ok, and the flavor?  Do you want Red Velvet-- that probably would be the perfect flavor. "Yes!  That's his favorite!"  So I started thinking of what I could do for her. I came up with doing fondant hearts, xoxo's, and I was able to fit that I Love You in there that she was looking for too!  This was my first time even experimenting with fondant.  I must say though for my first time I did awesome. They came out great and she was very satisfied which made me very happy.  For the cupcake I also decided to do a little bit of a twist, and not make your standard red velvet.  I threw in some chocolate in the middle to make for a gooey center.  I don't really wanna give away my secret as to what kind I used, because some things are really left better unsaid!  Let's just say this--I have ate red velvet a lot over the years but NEVER with a ganache type center.  This was a little more softer than your typical ganache.  Wow.  I don't think I can ever just eat a "plain" one again.  My husband said the same thing.  He said don't ever make it the normal way, make sure you ALWAYS have the chocolate in the middle.  This is a good signature for you.  Not that anybody else has not ever made it like this before, because you can go online and find plenty of different red velvet recipes with a ganache center.  But I just decided to be a little different this time and since it has a cocoa base-- I knew chocolate in the middle would taste pretty darn good.  I guess I didn't realize just HOW good.  Needless to say, she made a comment to me that her boyfriend said, "Baby these are the best cupcakes I have ever tasted."

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