Thursday, December 3, 2015

There is a #season in everyone's life when things may #fall apart in order for even greater things to Fall together.

December has always been that month to reflect, and think back over the course of the year. A time not just to enjoy the Holidays with friends & family but a time to really re-evaluate learned lessons, encounters, and set goals. 2015 was the year to move out of an old apartment I had lived in for six years. That was it. My main goal, and I got out. To say I felt like a new person after shedding the old would be an understatement. I've thoroughly loved living downtown and what the city has had to offer. The job scene has been a bit of a challenge to me, as I've been restless in a few different positions, because I know I'm capable of doing so much more. I truly have more to offer than just the ordinary. The last three weeks have been great because I'm learning to, Be Still. God is ahead of me and knows exactly what I yearn to do, yet I had to go through the process of getting to where I am today. Even with past dead end jobs. I've still learned a lot. Nothing was ever by mistake. A few interviews in the past few weeks have proven successful. A call from a co-worker that I worked with at the first brokerage I was at, has decided to also leave that company recently, and start his own Team. It's good that I built a good relationship, and proved myself to be worthy because he has asked me to be his Office Manager. I currently work part time on the weekends at a really great restaurant in which I hope to continue enjoying. Opportunity awaits for me as I embark on this journey of life. I still have my love for the restaurant industry, since food is really my first love. I'm excited to see what this next year will bring. I figure I'll give it another shot here in the city of Atlanta. I don't believe my time here has come to an end, yet.

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